My Study Abroad Experience

SUNY Oswego students write essays sharing their experiences abroad Studying abroad is a journey, one of the mind as well as the body. Some SUNY Oswego students found that to be true. Traveling to various…

Meet New SUNY Oswego President Peter Nwosu

New semester starts with the first Black president to lead the Oswego campus By Stefan Yablonski [caption id="attachment_1227" align="alignright" width="203"] Dr. Peter Nwosu[/caption] Peter Nwosu was named the 11th president of SUNY Oswego this summer.…

Haunted Oswego

Given the rich history of Oswego County, tales of ghosts and spirits have been around for centuries in nearly every corner of Oswego County   [caption id="attachment_1245" align="alignright" width="467"] At Fort Ontario, stories of spirits…

The Early Years — Edward Austin Sheldon

This fall marks the 200th anniversary of SUNY Oswego founder Edward Austin Sheldon By Stefan Yablonski [caption id="attachment_1255" align="alignright" width="504"] Edward Austin Sheldon (with white beard in middle) is pictured surrounded by teachers and students…

Study Abroad

SUNY Oswego has one of the largest and most comprehensive study abroad programs within the SUNY system. Story and profiles by Stefan Yablonski [caption id="attachment_1248" align="alignright" width="296"] Josh McKeown, director of the Office of International…

It’s Official: SUNY Oswego Now Recognized as a…

SUNY Oswego is now formally recognized as a university. [caption id="attachment_1135" align="alignright" width="300"] As of Jan. 1, SUNY Oswegois now formally recognized asa university. This designation followsNew York State Board of Regents’new guidelines for what constitutesa…