/Time-Saving Tips for Time-Strapped Students

Time-Saving Tips for Time-Strapped Students

By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant

No time? No problem! Try these tips to save minutes in your day.

• Streamline your morning routine. Use combination products, such as tinted moisturizer if you wear makeup, or shampoo and conditioner. Wear your hair in a simple, wash-and-go style.

• Keep your wardrobe basic. If most of your clothing coordinates, it’s easier to pick something to wear.

• Keep your dorm room better organized. Listen to your inner Mom voice: If you always put things back, you’ll know where to find them–and not waste time hunting for things every day.

• Work on projects during class. Of course, pay attention to the lecture, but when the professor says something you should include in the project for that class, make a note of it. That will make it so much easier to pull together projects later.

• Store data remotely. By using the cloud, you can access class notes and reading anywhere. Anytime you have a few spare moments, you can review class notes and projects in progress. Or, bring written notes and textbooks along with you.

• Outsource where you can. If you’re really strapped for time, hire someone to proofread your papers, detail your car or other time-consuming tasks.

• Study between classes. Instead of posting on social media, study during those minutes while you wait for class to start.

• Eat on campus. Whether it’s in the dining common or a bag lunch you bring, you’ll likely save time instead of driving off campus for lunch. You’ll likely also save money as well.

• Work on campus. You’ll save time over commuting off campus for a job.

• Listen to your notes. With the professor’s permission, record classes so you can listen to the lecture while you work out.

• Join the same groups as your friends. You can socialize while you volunteer, practice for the performance or develop your project.

• Don’t over extend yourself. Joining too many clubs, groups and extracurricular activities will spread yourself too thin. Limit yourself to the one or two that mean the most to you. Ask about the time requirements each week. The play may sound fun, but it likely will require many long nights of practice.

• Plan your work. At the beginning of the semester, review each class calendar and transfer them on your calendar, both when each project is due and when you should start working on them. Periodic reminders can also help you stay on track. Each day, list items you need to do that day. Only allow yourself downtime once you complete those responsibilities.

• Unplug. When you’re studying or completing class projects, get off all devices, unless you’re using them directly to finish your work. Posting pictures of you studying does not help you learn the material.

• Stay healthy. Sick time is down time, so try to eat right, manage stress, sleep enough, vaccinate for flu and avoid sick people.

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